10 July, 2014

Novalumen - Modern WordPress Theme

Multi-purpose Wordpress theme that can be used for portfolio, blog, shop and any business purposes. Fully responsive and retina ready.

- Supports WooCommerce Wordpress plugin
- Supports bbPress forum Wordpress plugin
- Supports WPML multilingual plugin
- Includes Revolution Slider

- Multilingual support via standard Wordpress API
- Parallax effect with custom background content (images, videos, google maps and so on)
- Wide, bordered and boxed layout styles
- Retina ready
- Custom accent theme color
- Widgets ready footer with collapsing/expanding feature
- Many flexible shortcodes with the shortcode builder
- Google Fonts and Standard fonts support
- One Click DEMO import
- Custom content Import/Export feature to migrate/copy the site to another domain

- 2 color schemes for main menu (light and dark)
- Customizable optional menu
- 2 layouts of logo + menu
- Fullscreen (fullwidth and/or fullheight) header background
- Custom header background (video, image, color, Revolution Slider, Google Map and any custom html)
- Parallax header background
- Sticky header
- Mega menu supported

- 2, 3, 4 and 6 columns portfolio layouts
- Fullwidth portfolio
- Portfolio with the custom page background
- 4 different effects for hovering of project images
- Grayscale effect for portfolio images
- Dotted mask effect for portfolio images
- Classic projects navigation and automatic projects loading via Infinite Scroll

- Classic and Grid blog layouts
- Support of different post formats